The first step to becoming a Mopar® CAP student is finding a school near you that is partnered with Mopar CAP. You can locate a school here, or use our Contact Us form.
Aside from your school’s tuition rate, there are no additional fees to participate in Mopar® CAP. Please contact your school for more information on tuition rates.
On average, students obtain Mopar® CAP certification in 18 months, with some reaching completion in as little as 12 months.
If a student is able to secure a position at a Chrysler Dodge Jeep® Ram FIAT® dealership, that student can start working there.
Mopar® CAP students typically begin their professional careers at a Chrysler Dodge Jeep® Ram FIAT® (CDJRF) dealership performing basic vehicle maintenance and repairs. Through the program, students will advance their skill level and progress through the FCA levels of training. With an internship at a dealership, you have the opportunity to grow your career and have the potential to be hired as a full—time technician upon completion of the program, or to move into other areas of the dealership.
Depending on the level of training and certification, an automotive technician can make anywhere from $30,000 — $190,000 annually. Salary range is determined based upon experience and location in the United States.
Fill out a web inquiry using our Contact Us form and a Mopar® CAP representative will reach out to you with more information.
Each school’s program is unique and training materials and tools will be provided depending upon school.
Yes! Many of our Mopar® CAP schools participate in high school dual—enrollment courses, allowing high school students to participate in the Level Orientation of our technical training.
Through Mopar® CAP, students are expected to graduate the program with either Level 1 or Level 2 certification, depending on what your nearest Mopar CAP school offers.
At the latest, early August for Fall sessions or late January for Winter/Spring sessions. You should try to contact your Mopar® CAP school earlier to see if any students are available for internships. If none are registered yet, the school can note your interest in hiring a student and should work with you in your recruitment efforts.
Start by contacting us by clicking here and a Relationship Manager will reach out to you to connect your dealership with your nearest Mopar® CAP school. From there, you can start developing that relationship by attending advisory meetings, recruiting events, and speaking to groups of students on campus. You will also want to invite students to your dealership/body shop and engage in other recruiting efforts.
The first step to becoming a Mopar® CAP student is finding a school near you that is partnered with Mopar CAP. You can locate a school here, or use our Contact Us form.
Aside from your school’s tuition rate, there are no additional fees to participate in Mopar® CAP. Please contact your school for more information on tuition rates.
On average, students obtain Mopar® CAP certification in 18 months, with some reaching completion in as little as 12 months.
If a student is able to secure a position at a Chrysler Dodge Jeep® Ram FIAT® dealership, that student can start working there.
Mopar® CAP students typically begin their professional careers at a Chrysler Dodge Jeep® Ram FIAT® (CDJRF) dealership performing basic vehicle maintenance and repairs. Through the program, students will advance their skill level and progress through the FCA levels of training. With an internship at a dealership, you have the opportunity to grow your career and have the potential to be hired as a full—time technician upon completion of the program, or to move into other areas of the dealership.
Depending on the level of training and certification, an automotive technician can make anywhere from $30,000 — $190,000 annually. Salary range is determined based upon experience and location in the United States.
Fill out a web inquiry using our Contact Us form and a Mopar® CAP representative will reach out to you with more information.
Each school’s program is unique and training materials and tools will be provided depending upon school.
Yes! Many of our Mopar® CAP schools participate in high school dual—enrollment courses, allowing high school students to participate in the Level Orientation of our technical training.
Through Mopar® CAP, students are expected to graduate the program with either Level 1 or Level 2 certification, depending on what your nearest Mopar CAP school offers.
At the latest, early August for Fall sessions or late January for Winter/Spring sessions. You should try to contact your Mopar® CAP school earlier to see if any students are available for internships. If none are registered yet, the school can note your interest in hiring a student and should work with you in your recruitment efforts.
Start by contacting us by clicking here and a Relationship Manager will reach out to you to connect your dealership with your nearest Mopar® CAP school. From there, you can start developing that relationship by attending advisory meetings, recruiting events, and speaking to groups of students on campus. You will also want to invite students to your dealership/body shop and engage in other recruiting efforts.